
Welcome to the UNSW Architecture "Portfolio Helper"!

This blog serves two purposes; it briefs you on a project that we have created to help you reveal your Architectural design talent while also providing a sort of template for you to follow (or adapt) to create your own portfolio.

We hope to receive portfolios from applicants with extensive design experience and from applicants who have no prior design experience but who, if given the opportunity, have the passion and creativity to demonstrate real Architectural talent.

So if you already have a design portfolio this Helper might help you refine it. If you don't have a portfolio and don't know where to start then you can start here. And finally, if you are not even sure studying Architecture is for you then completing this project will give you an insight into the kinds of design projects you could be doing in your first year in the UNSW Architecture program.

When you are ready to go, take a look at the post titled "The Brief".


