Once you've completed your design you'll need to submit some material to tell us about its key features, why they are special and how you came up with them.
To do this you'll use a short piece of writing, some images and even some animations if you think they'll be best to communicate your ideas.
In a design studio, especially in first year, you can expect that the requirements for what you submit are quite prescriptive; so we'll do that here too. The advantage is that if everyone submits the same material it provides a level playing field.
So, what to submit?
1. Create your own Blog here at Blogger
2. One 250 word description of the most distinctive and significant elements of your design or your design process itself.
3. 7 perspective images of the finished Architecture.
Try not to repeat yourself here; have some images from the outside at ground level and some from various levels in the interior of the building. One or two birds-eye views should be enough.
4. 5 perspective images of the Architecture in development (i.e. before it's finished).
5. 1 axonometric image showing a circulation diagram (what does this mean? see this post)
Optional: you might like to post a short animation of your design if that's helpful.
To do this you'll use a short piece of writing, some images and even some animations if you think they'll be best to communicate your ideas.
In a design studio, especially in first year, you can expect that the requirements for what you submit are quite prescriptive; so we'll do that here too. The advantage is that if everyone submits the same material it provides a level playing field.
Alson Lee: from Architecture Design Studio 1, 2017
So, what to submit?
1. Create your own Blog here at Blogger
2. One 250 word description of the most distinctive and significant elements of your design or your design process itself.
3. 7 perspective images of the finished Architecture.
Try not to repeat yourself here; have some images from the outside at ground level and some from various levels in the interior of the building. One or two birds-eye views should be enough.
4. 5 perspective images of the Architecture in development (i.e. before it's finished).
5. 1 axonometric image showing a circulation diagram (what does this mean? see this post)
Optional: you might like to post a short animation of your design if that's helpful.
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